
A conviction for assault, howsoever minor, can have a profound effect on your future, both in terms of your reputation and also in terms of your future employment prospects.

A conviction recorded for a matter of assault can be particularly damaging for those who work in or aspire to work in any field which requires access and contact with children or vulnerable people.

Therefore, when accused of offences of violence, it is vital to obtain expert legal advice and assistance at the earliest possible stage, and this is usually following your arrest.

Violence can occur within a split second and we recognise that, frequently, the Police will make a snap judgement, usually after the event, as to precisely who was responsible for doing what.

We at defencelawyer4u understand that life is more complicated than that and we will work with you to unravel the facts of the case, combing through the evidence, speaking to witnesses and, where appropriate, instructing expert forensic witnesses to build an effective defence for you.

Frequently our clients are charged with offences of violence and remanded into custody by the Police.

We can usually apply successfully to either the Magistrates' or the Crown Court to obtain bail for Defendants in such proceedings.

We will then work closely with you as our client in order to secure the best possible result in all the circumstances.

In the more serious cases of assault, we have strong relationships with many of the “heavyweight” barristers who can present a formidable case to a jury in order to secure your acquittal. Or alternatively, can negotiate with the prosecution to get you a conviction to a substantially less serious charge. This can make the difference between a Prison or a community sentence.

If you are suspected of involvement in an offence of violence, then we recommend that you contact us without delay.

Contact Us Now

For further information about this or any of our services, please contact our dedicated criminal team for advice and assistance on 0161 633 9999. Or simply complete our online query form and one of our defence lawyers will contact you shortly.